Hello, I am


Hi, my name is Isaac and I am a system administrator. I enjoy working on various side projects, some of which can be found below. I primarly use Golang, JavaScript, TypeScript, and other languages to build projects. I also enjoy tinkering with my Homelab, deploying new applications, learning the latest technologies, and breaking things. Feel free to contact me below.
Languages: Golang & React
Callisto is a work in progress successor to Radium. Callisto is a room-based livestream and chat platform. Users can create rooms and stream to friends for movie nights, game nights, and more. Utilizing OvenMediaEngine, Callisto can provide sub second latency utilizing WebRTC. Callisto also includes a chat with various customization options and custom emotes.
Feel free to get in touch.
Shoot me an email at isaac@zibbp.net
Check me out on Github